Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why NONE of the BN's MP is objecting the DNA Bill?

Yesterday, the BN is pushing through the DNA bill on rush and there is no objection from any BN's YB.

The Bar Council's Human Rights committee chairman Edmund Bon raised the council's concerns over the Bill:

> There are no safeguards in relation to the storage and testing of DNA samples and the way of the samples are to be handled;

> There is no provision for the accused to do his or her own independent DNA test from the same sample;

> Categories of persons from whom samples may be taken from are too arbitrary and wide;

> Criteria and power safeguards are lacking in relation to the suspected persons as the proposed method of solely relying on the authority of the police to obtain the sample is dangerous;

> Privacy rights are illusory with the criminalisation of the refusal to give a non-intimate sample;

> The retroactive application of the law on persons presently serving a term of imprisonment is highly unfair as no one who has been charged or convicted prior to the passing of the Act should be affected by the law;

> The destruction of the sample is at the discretion of the DNA bank director, which is unacceptable and it does not meet the international standards;

> The law ousts the jurisdiction of the courts to weigh the evidence, the conclusive evidence unfairly limits the rights of the accused to question the credibility of the DNA profiling; and

> Without proper data protection regime in the Constitution, the power to export DNA profiles to foreign law enforcement agencies should be curtailed.

Bon also proposed that the Bill should be withdrawn and have a proper public consultation with experts in the field, amend the Constitution to add privacy rights, and ratify the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.

Here is the oath all MP took in Parliment

Saya, setelah dipilih sebagai seorang Ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan sessungguhnya bersumpah bahawa saya akan dengan jujur menunaikan kewajipan-kewajipan saya sebagai yang demikian dengan segala daya upaya saya bahawa saya akan menumpahkan TAAT SETIA yang SEBENAR kepada MALAYSIA dan akan memelihara, melindungi serta mempertahankan PERLEMBAGAAN.

Please don't give us an excuse that you are in BN coalition so you are not suppose to reject the bill cos you all BN MPs suppose to be royal to MALAYSIA not BN nor UMNO when in the Dewan Rakyat.

If the bill get through then what else protection the normal citizen will have, it will become a weapon to frame anyone who go against UMNO. By then they won't be just blocking websites, they will just catch that fellow and fabricate evidence then through him into jail.

Visit these videos on the Conspiracy Sodomy I '98 and you all will understand better what i mean.

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