Kind of currious, if Dr Koh Tsu Koon are capable of getting the documents for Penang Development Corporation’s loss of RM9 million in a botched share transaction (by himself) then why he claimed the informations is not complete even he is allowed to access the official classified documents?
After watching the debat, it just convince me that i make the right decission by throwing out Koh Tsu Koon. How can you claimed that there is nothing happen when there is no case by ACA? No action / case by ACA only means there is no corruption involved in the 40M scandal, this does not relief your government from MIS-MANAGEMENT.
Maybe Koh was too long in politic and do not aware of what is the general practice in the private sector. If an employee is involved in such a case, the only probable action should be sacked not just issue a warning letter.
He further labeled himself as a joker when he claimed the CEKAP, BERSIH, AMANAH system which implemented by BN is of highest success with effective rate of 99.9%. But he failed to understand (or simply ignorant ) with only 0.01% it has caused the people's to lose billions.
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