Thursday, August 28, 2008
Why NONE of the BN's MP is objecting the DNA Bill?
The Bar Council's Human Rights committee chairman Edmund Bon raised the council's concerns over the Bill:
> There are no safeguards in relation to the storage and testing of DNA samples and the way of the samples are to be handled;
> There is no provision for the accused to do his or her own independent DNA test from the same sample;
> Categories of persons from whom samples may be taken from are too arbitrary and wide;
> Criteria and power safeguards are lacking in relation to the suspected persons as the proposed method of solely relying on the authority of the police to obtain the sample is dangerous;
> Privacy rights are illusory with the criminalisation of the refusal to give a non-intimate sample;
> The retroactive application of the law on persons presently serving a term of imprisonment is highly unfair as no one who has been charged or convicted prior to the passing of the Act should be affected by the law;
> The destruction of the sample is at the discretion of the DNA bank director, which is unacceptable and it does not meet the international standards;
> The law ousts the jurisdiction of the courts to weigh the evidence, the conclusive evidence unfairly limits the rights of the accused to question the credibility of the DNA profiling; and
> Without proper data protection regime in the Constitution, the power to export DNA profiles to foreign law enforcement agencies should be curtailed.
Bon also proposed that the Bill should be withdrawn and have a proper public consultation with experts in the field, amend the Constitution to add privacy rights, and ratify the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.
Here is the oath all MP took in Parliment
Saya, setelah dipilih sebagai seorang Ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan sessungguhnya bersumpah bahawa saya akan dengan jujur menunaikan kewajipan-kewajipan saya sebagai yang demikian dengan segala daya upaya saya bahawa saya akan menumpahkan TAAT SETIA yang SEBENAR kepada MALAYSIA dan akan memelihara, melindungi serta mempertahankan PERLEMBAGAAN.
Please don't give us an excuse that you are in BN coalition so you are not suppose to reject the bill cos you all BN MPs suppose to be royal to MALAYSIA not BN nor UMNO when in the Dewan Rakyat.
If the bill get through then what else protection the normal citizen will have, it will become a weapon to frame anyone who go against UMNO. By then they won't be just blocking websites, they will just catch that fellow and fabricate evidence then through him into jail.
Visit these videos on the Conspiracy Sodomy I '98 and you all will understand better what i mean.
Anwar akhirnya sumpah
Saya, Anwar Ibrahim. Setelah dipilih sebagai seorang Ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan sessungguhnya bersumpah bahawa saya akan dengan jujur menunaikan kewajipan-kewajipan saya sebagai yang demikian dengan segala daya upaya saya bahawa saya akan menumpahkan TAAT SETIA yang SEBENAR kepada MALAYSIA dan akan memelihara, melindungi serta mempertahankan PERLEMBAGAAN.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
KJ: My Curriculum Vitae, Desperately Looking For A New Job
I should not make that stupid statement at the Permatang Pauh ceramah that day. What I was thinking saying we are here to bury Anwar’s political career and challenging Anwar Ibrahim to resign as PKR adviser if he failed to become prime minister by Sept 16. I should just stop and that and not saying I would quit as Umno Youth deputy chief. Damn my smelly mouth!!
I am jobless after selling my shares in ECM Libra Avenue Bhd in 2006......continue reading his resume, Click HERE!
Did Be eNd understand the message send by the Rakyat via Permatang Pauh Result?
Dear Anil, Your biased live coverage of the PP buy-election was disgusting to say the least. It seemed like the Barisan Nasional was non-existent in PP. The fact that more than 15,000 people voted for Arif Shah is testimony to BN’s popularity. If it were not for the rough house tactics of the PKR goons, more legitimate voters would have made it to the polling stations. You and your ilk ought to be detained under the ISA and the keys thrown away. You are partisan, unfair, biased, and a false witness to the events in PP. Like the 31,000 odd who voted for Anwar, you are ungrateful for the development and progress wrought by the BN. Honestly ask yourself: Would you even own a laptop or even know how to use the Internet if not for the education that the BN gave you? Just like the other bloggers and commentators on the blogsites, you bite the hand that feeds you. You are despicable and so is Raja Petra and the likes of him. When the BN government finally wipes out the Opposition from the face of this Earth, we’ll be coming after you and all of your ilk for the lies and ridiculous untrue propaganda that you spread to the innocent rakyat. Unfortunately it seems now that a large minority of the rakyat are stupid enough to pay attention to the lies of the Opposition. The BN will educate them very soon and I assure you it will be a painful lesson indeed. BN Sakthi!!! |
And here is my reply to BN Partyman :
“Your biased live coverage of the PP buy-election was disgusting to say the least.”
Who? Do you mean RTM? TV3? NTV7? Berita Harian? Utusan Malaysia? or other main stream media?
“The fact that more than 15,000 people voted for Arif Shah is testimony to BN’s popularity.”
Are you sure all that 15,000 votes are voted by human being? It is being a hungry ghost month, could it be some votes casted by those hugry ghost (feeds using $)?
“If it were not for the rough house tactics of the PKR goons, more legitimate voters would have made it to the polling stations.”
Do you mean the presence of 6,000 hard working Police on the scene? Road blocks? Helicopter flying low? Election date on Tuesday? or You are expecting the remaining 19% who don't turn out will all vote BN? Perhaps the 81% turn out rate is still too low.
Instead of inviting bloggers for a free stay & free food, i believe Mongolia Jeep would rather prefer to let his wife shopping with those money.
“You are partisan, unfair, biased, and a false witness to the events in PP. Like the 31,000 odd who voted for Anwar, you are ungrateful for the development and progress wrought by the BN.”
Majority (31,000 voters) are wrong (but the won), minority is right but got buried.
“Honestly ask yourself: Would you even own a laptop or even know how to use the Internet if not for the education that the BN gave you?”
Sorry, i bought my laptop with my hard earn money, i don't get subsidies for it. My parents paid for my education NOT Be eNd. I learned internet by myself while i study oversea not locally.
“Just like the other bloggers and commentators on the blogsites, you bite the hand that feeds you.”
My parents is the one who struggle to brought me up, and they pay tax to feeds Be eNd too.
“When the BN government finally wipes out the Opposition from the face of this Earth, we’ll be coming after you and all of your ilk for the lies and ridiculous untrue propaganda that you spread to the innocent rakyat.”
Yeah,yeah. Rakyat in Malaysia are all idiots and been brain washed under our current education system. They are so easily to believes “propaganda”.
“Unfortunately it seems now that a large minority of the rakyat are stupid enough to pay attention to the lies of the Opposition. The BN will educate them very soon and I assure you it will be a painful lesson indeed.”
This is what happened when we teached Mathematic in english, some ended up doing calculation the other way round. 81% being counted as 65% whereas 31,000 <15,000
Chapter 1-1 : The Political Conspiration Begin
Beruk (son in law of Bodohwi): papa, papa. After the recent general election, the PKR De Facto Leader Annuar keep claiming he already got enough our man to jump ship and take over the government. We can't let this happen, we must do something (or else i will be in deep deep trouble) .
Bodohwi : Son, you are right. Any good suggestion?
Beruk : yes, papa. I had discussed with my level 4th team and they come out with this great great idea. We framed him.
Bodohwi : Framed him? This is not ethical.
Beruk : Not Ethical! Papa, do you still remember your previous election manifesto when you just took over the Prime Minister post? Do you fulfill it? Definitely not, else we won't faced such a great defeat in the recent election. You lied about the corruption & juridical reform, is that ethical?
Bodohwi : Well, you are right son. So tell me what is your plan?
Beruk : Papa, this is what out level 4th guys proposing. Annuar was previously charged with a liwat case, so if we charge him with the same again then the rakyat will definite believe it this time. After all, this is Bodohland and all rakyat should be bodoh, isn't it?
Bodohwi : Son, it sound interesting, but how are you going to frame him? We can't just charge him without a victim.
Beruk : Papa, do you still remember the secret report we receive regarding a criminal involving Mongolia Jeep? Besides Mongolia Jeep is also a threat to your office, i will tell Mongolia Jeep to do all the dirty work or else we will expose the secret report.
Bodohwi : Wah! Son, you are really smart. Killing two birds with one stone. No wonder you are Oxfart graduate. OK! Go ahead and do what you should do.
Beruk : OK! Papa.
Beruk left the room and begin his plan.........
to be continue.....
The Tale Of The Bodohland : Disclaimer
All the characters and events in "The Tale Of Bodohland" are fiction, purely imagination & creation of writer only, if there is any similarity or coincident to the real world. The only thing the writer can say would be "It may looks like somebody. it may sounds like somebody BUT it is DEFINITELY NOT not that somebody".
This is not a language test, so if you find there is any spelling, grammar or any other error, please bear with it as THIS IS NOT A LANGUAGE TEST.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wonder how long more before our Malay brothers wake up to the harsh realities of this globalised world?
by Dr Syed Alwi of Singapore
Dear Editor,
As you know, I am an avid watcher of Malaysian affairs. I must confess that lately, Malaysia appears to be failing. Not a day passes by without more events that clearly highlight Malaysia ’s race-religion fault-line. If things keep going this way, I fear for Malaysia ’s future.
Today, schools in Singapore celebrate Racial Harmony Day. I can
visibly see the joy in the children’s faces as they wear their ethnic
costumes and have fun together at school. But in Malaysia - even the right to choose a religion has become a sensitive, national issue. No doubt, there are many in Malaysia who hate my liberal views on Islam, family included. But I will say what I must say openly. I have come to the conclusion that Malaysia cannot progress any further without first addressing fundamental questions regarding its identity and soul.
I remember the days when we can laugh at Lat’s cartoons on everyday Malaysian life. But sadly, the Islamic tide has polarised Malaysians. Some people ask why I should bother about Malaysian affairs since I am a Singaporean. May I remind Malaysians that it was Tan Siew Sin who once said that Singapore and Malaysia are Siamese Twins. Should Malaysia go down - it would hurt the region tremendously. Especially Singapore ..
Where do you think Malay apostates would head for if Lina Joy loses her case? Singapore of course! I find the Malaysian Malay to be very under-exposed. For them, it’s all Islam and the NEP and everything under the sun would sort itself out. I am sorry to say this - but Islam and the NEP may be the cause of the undoing of the Malaysian Malay.
There is nothing wrong with religion or affirmative action. But, like
everything else in life, they must be taken in moderation and with a pinch of salt. A little doubt is good. Unfortunately in Malaysia ,
emotions over Islam have overcome reason. What we see today is the result of the NEP and Islamisation policies of the past thirty years or so.
No one owes Malaysian Malays a living. Let me assure you that should Malaysia fail - the Malaysian Malay will suffer enormously. And rightly so. After all - they have been pampered with all sorts of goodies over the years. They cannot now expect more goodies. Perhaps the day of reckoning for them, is near. Whatever it is, Malaysia had better wake up to the realities around her. The globalised world of the 21st century has no NEP to offer the Malaysian Malay. And humans cannot live by religion alone.
Dr Syed Alwi.
Permatang Pauh : Anwar wins with big majority

Final Official Figures
Anwar got 31,195 votes
Arif Shah, 15,524 votes
Hanafi, 92votes
Anwar won with a majority of 15,671. Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, won the seat with a 13,388 majority at the March 8 general elections.
Thank you, thank you Tian Gong Tian Jian for fulfilling my pray.
Also thank you to all PP voters.
With the entire mainstream media (broadcast and print) on BN’s payroll, with the entire Cabinet Ministers & BN leadership (from AAB to Mongolia Zeep, Keris Mu Din, KiaSu Koon, Liao TL, Ng Yen Yen et al) arriving at PP, with all the vote rigging and vote buying, you FAILED miserably. People of PP cannot be bought.
The last reminder for Be eNd, you are not only going against Anwar, you are also going against the tide which calleed People's Power & the worst of all you all in Be eNd are going against the God.Projek 3P, Permatang Pauh - > Parliment -> Putrajaya
Monday, August 25, 2008
Peh Moh said 8 means ong for him

Peh Moh told the reporters today is very "ong" for him, because he cast his vote at 08:08 am and his voter's number is also 978.
Haiyoh Peh Moh, you already forgot liao ah. Be eNd sustain the worst lost in an election in the history of Malaysia which occured ON 308 (08Mar08).
On 308 Be eNd lose 5 states + WP, on 26Aug08 [888 (2+6=8)Aug8,Year08] will be the date of a New Dawn for Malaysia. So lets see who is more "ong"lah, you or the RAKYAT!
Updates from Permatang Pauh
Haris Ibrahim HERE
Malaysia Today HERE
Malaysiakini HERE
Malaysian Insider HERE
Permatang Pauh Official Website HERE
Tukar Tiub HERE
MalaysiaKini mirror site
826 The D-Day for Malaysia
That is the least i can do as i am not the Permatang Pauh voter.
PP = Permatang Pauh = People's Power
BN's unethical tactics trying to win over Permatang Pauh
- Charging Anwar for alleged sodomy on jambu Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan a day after the Election Commission announced the by-election date.
- Mohd Saiful swearing on Quran allegation sexual assault in the WP Mosque.
- The non-stop screening of the swearing ceremony in Permatang Pauh ".....AI memasukkan *****nya kedalam dubur saya..........."
- Startling revelation by former PKR men, Mohd Ezam Mohd Nor and KS Nallakaruppan.
- Najib unofficial swearing denying knowing the Mongolian girl.
- Sudden generosity by allocating money to vernacular schools, temples and mosques.
- Free lunch and dinners in housing areas and villages, and goodies handouts.
- Reducing the petrol prices by a mere 15 sen.
- BN federal government has pumped in or pledged a minimum total of RM6.52 million for Permatang Pauh.
- A RM300,000 pledge, of a special allocation for a community development project in Seberang Jaya by Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
- RM500,000 allocation for a government clinic at Seberang Jaya by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Aug 17.
- Najib announced RM500,000 to build a covered basketball court in Sungai Lembu.
- Deputy education minister Wee Ka Siong announced a RM1 million allocation for five Chinese primary schools.
- Wee gave another RM200,00 to a primary school in Sungai Lembu to expand their hall.
- Najib announced RM1.82 million allocation for mosques and suraus in Seberang Jaya.
- Najib gave another RM800,00 to build a three-storey sports complex Seberang Jaya.
- Najib announced an allocation of RM1.4 million for the Penanti Mosque and Surau.
- Najib says that the government would help rebuild three Tamil schools and three Hindu temples in the constituency.
Why UMNO wording is in English and not Malay?
United Malays National Oganisation ditubuh, dilonjak dan dijaga oleh British. Parti ini diperlukan untuk dijadikan barua oleh British kerana pada ketika itu (1948), penjajah British sedang menghadapi Perang Rakyat.
Perang Rakyat adalah perjuangan angkat senjata yang di terajui oleh pakatan Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM), Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM), Hisbul Muslimin, Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API), Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS) dan berbelas-belas lagi kumpulan patriotik yang anti-British.
Para patriot tanahair dari semua bangsa telah bangun bermandi darah dalam usaha untuk memerdekakan Tanah Melayu. Ini sejarah gilang gemilang rakyat negara kita yang terus dibohongi oleh United Malays National Organisation. Kita diberi tahu bahawa negara kita merdeka tanpa pertumpahan darah.
Ini bohong. Pergi ke hadapan Dewan Bahasa Pustaka dan lihat berapa luas kubur British di situ. Pergi ke Taiping dan lihat berapa luas kubur British di situ. Pergi ke Lubuk Kawah dan tanya berapa ratus anak muda Melayu yang masuk hutan. Pergi ke Behrang Selangor dan tanya berapa banyak anak muda Melayu yang ke hutan mengangkat senjata.
Nama nama seperti Musa Ahmad, Shamsiah Fakeh, Ahmad Boestaman, Chin Peng, Ishak Haji Muhamad, Wahi Anwar, Abdullah Sidi, Rashid Maidin, Abu Samah adalah para nasionalis dan para patiotik yang telah bangun menentang penjajah British.
KMM ada parti politik Melayu yang tertua di Tanah Melayu dengan garis politik nasionalis yang menolak semua bentuk sifat perkauman dan sifat rasis keMelayuan. KMM adalah parti politik awal yang melaungkan slogan Ketuanan Rakyat. KMM juga adalah parti politik yang pertama melaungkan MERDEKA. Ini sebelum United Malays National Organisation berani menuntut merdeka dari tuannya – penajah British.
Apabila penjajah British kalah maka British telah memunculkan apa yang kita ketahui sebagai United Malays National Organisation. Nama parti ini higga ke hari ini masih lagi dalam bahasa Inggeris – United Malays National Organisation – ini kerana parti ini adalah parti yang telah dijadikan barua oleh British.
Selama 50 tahun orang Melayu telah dibodohkan oleh United Malays National Organisation. Peranan dan proses pembodohan ini telah dilakukan melalui akhbar, media dan sekolah. Lihatlah betapa bodohnya penyokong-penyokong United Malays National Oganisation.
Mereka menjerit-jerit sebagai berjuang untuk Melayu. Tanya pada mereka kenapa nama parti mereka dipanggil United Malays national Organisation. Kenapa TIDAK pakai nama Melayu?
Tanya ini dahulu.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Land Scam Debate : Dr Koh Tsu Koon denied access by current state government to documents on botched land deals.

Kind of currious, if Dr Koh Tsu Koon are capable of getting the documents for Penang Development Corporation’s loss of RM9 million in a botched share transaction (by himself) then why he claimed the informations is not complete even he is allowed to access the official classified documents?
After watching the debat, it just convince me that i make the right decission by throwing out Koh Tsu Koon. How can you claimed that there is nothing happen when there is no case by ACA? No action / case by ACA only means there is no corruption involved in the 40M scandal, this does not relief your government from MIS-MANAGEMENT.
Maybe Koh was too long in politic and do not aware of what is the general practice in the private sector. If an employee is involved in such a case, the only probable action should be sacked not just issue a warning letter.
He further labeled himself as a joker when he claimed the CEKAP, BERSIH, AMANAH system which implemented by BN is of highest success with effective rate of 99.9%. But he failed to understand (or simply ignorant ) with only 0.01% it has caused the people's to lose billions.
Having headache seeing the way those BN jokers serving the peoples.
Pak Lah Tidur. Kita Tipu Melayu - VK Lingam & Tun Dr. Mahathir

Zzzz Prime Minister, Korek, korek, korek... Click HERE to view the video! |
Malaysia Off Line - Mat Rempit

Click HERE to view the video!